18 March 2022
by Jerry Zhang
Installation and color config
sudo apt-get install tmux
brew install tmux
First, let’s create a bash alias so that launching Tmux will actually launch with color settings configured. Start by editing the following file.
vi ~/.bash_aliases
Then add the following line.
alias tmux="TERM=xterm-256color tmux"
Now we will modify our Tmux configuration file as well.
vi ~/.tmux.conf
And add the following line.
set -g default-terminal "screen-256color"
Then we will restart Tmux.
tmux kill-server && tmux
session management
tmux ls (or tmux list-sessions) tmux new -s session-name Ctrl-b d Detach from session tmux attach -t [session name] tmux kill-session -t session-name
Ctrl-b c Create new window Ctrl-b d Detach current client Ctrl-b l Move to previously selected window Ctrl-b n Move to the next window Ctrl-b p Move to the previous window Ctrl-b & Kill the current window Ctrl-b , Rename the current window Ctrl-b q Show pane numbers (used to switch between panes) Ctrl-b o Switch to the next pane Ctrl-b ? List all keybindings
moving between windows
Ctrl-b n (Move to the next window) Ctrl-b p (Move to the previous window) Ctrl-b l (Move to the previously selected window) Ctrl-b w (List all windows / window numbers) Ctrl-b window number (Move to the specified window number, the default bindings are from 0 – 9)
Tiling commands
Ctrl-b % (Split the window vertically) CTRL-b “ (Split window horizontally) Ctrl-b o (Goto next pane) Ctrl-b q (Show pane numbers, when the numbers show up type the key to go to that pane) Ctrl-b { (Move the current pane left) Ctrl-b } (Move the current pane right)
Make a pane its own window
Ctrl-b : “break-pane”
add to ~/.tmux.conf
bind | split-window -h bind - split-window -v
tags: tmux - Linux