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26 September 2019

Network(8) -- Networks Under Attack

by Jerry Zhang

Networks Under Attack

malware can enter and infect our devices.

botnet, the bad guys control and leverage for spam e-mail distrbution or distributed denial-of-service attacks against targeted hosts.

Much of the malware out there today is self-replicating.

Malware can spread in the form of a virus or a worm.

Viruses are malware that require some form of user interaction to infect the user’s device.

Worms are malware that can enter a device without any explicit user interaction.

The Bad Guys Can Attack Servers and Network Infrastructure

denial-of-service (DoS) attacks:

In a distributed DoS (DDoS) attack, the attacker controls multiple sources and has each source blast traffic at the target.

The Bad Guys Can Sniff Packets

A passive receiver that records a copy of every packet that flies by is called a packet sniffer.

The Bad Guys Can Masquerade as Someone You Trust

The ability to inject packets into the Internet with a false source address is known as IP spoofing.

tags: Network