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26 September 2019

Database(15) -- The Entity/Relationship Model

by Jerry Zhang

Weak Entity Sets

If an entity set’s key is composed of attributes, some or all of which belong to another entity set, such an entity set is called a weak entity set.

Causes of Weak Entity Sets

If entities of set E are subunits of entities in set F, then it is possible that the names of E-entities axe not unique until we take into account the name of the F-entity to which the E entity is subordinate.

The second common source of weak entity sets is the connecting entity sets as a way to eliminate a multiway relationship.

Requirements for Weak Entity Sets

If E is a weak entity set then its key consists of:

  1. Zero or more of its own attributes
  2. Key attributes from entity sets that are reached by certain many-one relationships from E to other entity sets. These many-one relationships are called supporting relationships for E, and the entity sets reached from E are supporting entity sets.

Weak Entity Set Notation

  1. If an entity set is weak, it will be shown as a rectangle with a double border.
  2. Its supporting many-one relationships will be shown as diamonds with a double border.
  3. If an entity set supplies any attributes for its own key, then those attributes will be underlined.
tags: Database