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3 June 2019

Spring boot JPA

by Jerry Zhang


Import database dependencies



Database configuration

MySql database driver: choose com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver, this is the new version

    driver-class-name: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver
    url: jdbc:mysql://
    username: root
    password: root
      ddl-auto: update
    show-sql: true

Create a new database in mysql

Create a database called luckymoney using command line or navicat.

Manipulate database without any SQL

JPA is so powerful that we do not need to write any SQL.

  1. Create a java class called Luckymoney, add @Entity on the class.
public class Luckymoney {

    private Integer id;

    private BigDecimal money;

    private String producer;

    private String consumer;

    public Integer getId() {
        return id;

    public void setId(Integer id) { = id;

    public BigDecimal getMoney() {
        return money;

    public void setMoney(BigDecimal money) { = money;

    public String getProducer() {
        return producer;

    public void setProducer(String producer) {
        this.producer = producer;

    public String getConsumer() {
        return consumer;

    public void setConsumer(String consumer) {
        this.consumer = consumer;
  1. Run the application, then all the tables will be generated automatically.

Because we config that show-sql: true, so we can see the information below in the console:

Hibernate: drop table if exists hibernate_sequence
Hibernate: drop table if exists luckymoney
Hibernate: create table hibernate_sequence (next_val bigint) engine=MyISAM
Hibernate: insert into hibernate_sequence values ( 1 )
Hibernate: create table luckymoney (id integer not null, consumer varchar(255), money decimal(19,2), producer varchar(255), primary key (id)) engine=MyISAM

Implement the methods

  1. Create a DAO
public interface LuckymoneyRepository extends JpaRepository<Luckymoney, Integer> {

Follow the naming convention in JPA, which means this interface name should be ***Repository. Extending JpaRepository = CrudRepository + PagingAndSortingRepository The first generic type is the Object type of the entity in the database, which is alse our DAO class; The second generic type is integer, because our Id type is integer.

  1. Inject DAO in our controller
public class LuckymoneyController {

    private LuckymoneyRepository repository;

    public List<Luckymoney> list(){
        return repository.findAll();

    public Luckymoney create(@RequestParam("producer") String producer,
                             @RequestParam("money")BigDecimal money){
        Luckymoney luckymoney = new Luckymoney();

    public Luckymoney findById(@PathVariable("id") Integer id){
        return repository.findById(id).orElse(null);

    public Luckymoney update(@PathVariable("id") Integer id,
                             @RequestParam("consumer") String consumer){
        Optional<Luckymoney> optional = repository.findById(id);
        if (optional.isPresent()) {
            Luckymoney luckymoney = optional.get();
        return null;


Sometimes, we want an operation either success or fail as a whole. For example, when we transfer money in a bank, we must completely finish the whole procedure at one time, and must not be interrupted in the middle. In this scenario, we can use @Transaction on a method.

  1. Create a service class
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional;

import java.math.BigDecimal;

 * @author: Jingchao Zhang
 * @createDate: 2019/06/03
public class LuckymoneyService {

    private LuckymoneyRepository repository;

    public void createTwo(){
        Luckymoney luckymoney1 = new Luckymoney();
        luckymoney1.setMoney(new BigDecimal("520"));;

        Luckymoney luckymoney2 = new Luckymoney();
        luckymoney2.setMoney(new BigDecimal("1314"));;
  1. Change the database engine to InnoDB

Use Navicat, right click the table, design table. Select the optional tab, Change the engine to InnoDB.

tags: Spring - boot, - JPA