Jerry's Blog

Recording what I learned everyday

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19 April 2019

IntellijIDEA Shortcuts

by Jerry Zhang

#Tip of the Day: 磨刀不误砍柴工 A beard well lathered is half shaved.


Actions: Ctrl + Shift + A


Alt + 1: project

Alt + 2

Go to

Jump to previous/next word: Ctrl + left/right

Jump and select previous/next word: Ctrl + Shift + left/right

Jump by method: Alt + up/down

Jump by tab: Alt + left/right


delete line: Ctrl + Y

move line: Ctrl + Shift + up/down

copy line: move cursor to the line, Ctrl + c, Ctrl + v

Toggle between windows

Next Project Window: Ctrl + Alt + ]

Previous Project Window: Ctrl + Alt + [

Toggle between files

Recent file: Ctrl + E

Recent changed files: Ctrl + Shift + E

Open/Search class: Ctrl + N

Last Edit Location: Ctrl + Shift + Backspace

Next Edit Location: Ctrl + Alt + Backspace

Back/Forward: Alt + Shift + left/right

Bookmarks: (Ctrl + ) F11

Go to bookmark: trl + number

Add to favorites: Alt + Shift + F

Toggle between VMware and Windows

exit current virtual screen: Ctrl + Alt

toggle in windows: Alt + Tab

grab current screen in virtual machine: Ctrl + G

Search class: Ctrl + N
if you press Ctrl + N twice, you can search include jar or dependency packages

Search file: Ctrl + Shift + N

field/method: Ctrl + Shift + Alt + N

String: Ctrl + Shift + F

Find next: Ctrl + L

Column Operation: Select all Occurrences: Ctrl + Alt + Shift + J

Format Code: Ctrl + Alt + L

Live template

public static final int: psfi …

Prints a value to System.out: soutv

Prints current class and method names to System.out: soutm








Alt + Enter


Rename: Shift + F6

Refactor method: Add parameter in the method directly, then Alt + Enter

Extract variable: Ctrl + Alt + V

Extract constant: Ctrl + Alt + c

Extract field: Ctrl + Alt + f

Extract parameter: Ctrl + Alt + p

Extract method: Ctrl + Alt + m


annotate/display author: right click next to the line number. Or I set it as Alt + a

revert: Alt + Command + Z

local history: I set it as Alt + Shift + h


add breakpoint: Ctrl + F8

Debug: shift + F9, then F8,F8,F8…

Resume: F9

See all breakpoints: Shift + Ctrl + F8

Mute breakpoints:


Evaluate Expression: Alt + F8

Run to Cursor: Alt + F9

Set value: in debug variables: F2

Run: Shift + F10

Unit test: Ctrl + Shift + F9

Choose one to debug: Alt + Shift + F9

file operation:

new file: Alt + 1, then Alt + insert

copy current file: F5

move current file: F6

copy file path: Ctrl + Shift + c

choose content to paste: Ctrl + Shift + v

File Structure: Ctrl + F12

Show UML diagram or maven dependencies: Ctrl + Alt + Shift + U

Call Hierarchy: Ctrl + Alt + H

tags: IntellijIDEA